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Re: Compression through e2compr

On Fri, 31 Jan 1997, Dan Stromberg wrote:

strombrg >> Thats why we need to put some work into it. I dont envision it being
strombrg >> tomorrow in stable but as a long term solution to our compression here and
strombrg >> there issues.
strombrg >> 
strombrg >> IMHO it is worth it because it gets us out of a host of other compression
strombrg >> issues with a lot of applications, packaging of software etc etc which are
strombrg >> all error prone.
strombrg >
strombrg >I'd support a debian package of the user-level tools at this time.

Could you get the current e2fs package and patch it with the patches from
the http address I mentioned? I can release a kernel that contains the
necessary patches to experimental.

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