The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: giving money to gnome

Andreas Jellinghaus <> writes:

> jfl, a german bookstore, will release a cdrom with debian, contrib,
> non-free, "linux anwenderhandbuch", maybe a commercial webbrowser,
> and kde. they will donate 5 dm, half for debian and half for kde.
> freedom is not only a word for me. its an essential thing, not only
> found in free speach or free software. 

Then why are you "ashamed" when we support FREE software?  You said it
is essential.  Is that not what we should do then?

> in their freedom to choose a library for their project, the kde
> developers selected qt. i'm not happy with that, but everyone should
> have the right to do so. 

OK.  But their action means we cannot use their project in our
system.  Maybe WE should be the ones feeling insulted, since they went
directly against our free software guidelines, which are widely published.

> bruce announced on friday, that the money from this
> debian+kde cdrom should be given to the gnome project.
> as the gnome project is the direct opponent of kde, this is an insult to
> the kde people. at least that is how the kde developer feel.

I don't think it is a direct opponent.  There is no counterpart to
gnome at present.  gnome is a FREE desktop environment.  KDE is not.
They are separate and distinct classes of programs.

Furthermore, GNOME supports (develops?) the GTK toolkit -- a FREE
toolkit that is used instead of Qt.  GTK is used in powerful programs
such at Gimp, BTW.

> today i feel a shamed to be a debian developer.
> i request to apologize and correct the relations to the kde team within
> a week. if not i prefer not to be a debian developer.

Andreas, I appreciate all the work that you have done for Debian.
However, I am at a loss to try to understand how a Debian developer
(Debian is what I consider to be the freest of the Linux
distributions, after all) could feel ashamed that Debian is supporting
free software!  It makes no sense!  You would rather have us support
non-free software?!  If you want to leave Debian because you would
rather support non-free software instead of free software, that is, of
course, your choice.  We will go on and support free software, which
is what Debian is all about.

We have no problem with KDE being in non-free/contrib.  However, we
want a window manager that we can include on our CDs!  Why should we
support one that we cannot even include with our CD sets?

Your message seems to me to be rather insulting to the Debian
developers and the people at Gnome and Gimp that spend a lot of time
developing the free software that is used for Debian.  Certainly we
should support other free software efforts like Gnome if we have the
opportunity to do so.


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