Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 08/07/2022: Godot 3.5 RC 6 and DebConf22

  • GNU/Linux

    • Desktop/Laptop

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Graphics Stack

      • CollaboraIntroducing the r600/NIR back-end

        Even though the hardware served by the r600 driver is ageing, it is still in wide use, and high-end cards from that generation will still deliver good performance for mid-range gaming. When the drivers were originally implemented, TGSI was the dominating intermediate representation (IR) used by the shader compilers in Mesa. Several years back, NIR (new intermediate representation) was introduced, which has since been adopted by most drivers in Mesa. Among other things, NIR allows adding hardware specific opcodes that make it easy to transform the shader code to something that can easily be translated into hardware specific assembly. (To learn more about the features of NIR, take a look at Jason Ekstrand's excellent blog post.)

        With that in mind, and the general sentiment that I should learn something about NIR, I got the idea to implement a NIR back-end for the r600 hardware while I was at XDC 2018. At that time, the driver created non-optimized assembly from the TGSI, which was then optimized by SB, an optimizer that was added in 2013 to the r600 driver. This optimizer has quite a few quirks; it does not work for compute or tessellation shaders, or shaders that use images or atomic operations. On top of that, it has some bugs that are difficult to fix because the code base is not well documented and difficult to understand.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • OSTechNixMove A Running Process From One Terminal To Another Without Closing It

        Let us say, you are running a task in a remote server via a SSH session from your local system.

        When you started the task, you didn't know that the remote job would take long time to complete. You just want to leave the running job on the remote server itself, and close the SSH session without terminating the remote job, and then re-attach it to the SSH session later or at the next day.

        Of course, you can start the job in screen or tmux session, and detach from the screen session without exiting the remote job, and exit SSH session.

        But if you forgot to start the screen session in the first place, there is no way to reattach to the running process later. Once you closed the SSH session, the running processes will also be closed on the remote system.

        So, what would you do in such situation? Worry not! Here is where Reptyr command comes in help.

      • ID RootHow To Install Flask on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Flask on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. For those of you who didn’t know, Flask is a Python framework that is used to design and test different web applications based on the Python programming language. If you are a beginner, then Flask is the best platform for you through which you can learn how to maintain and develop different web applications in a scalable, secure way.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the Flask framework on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish). You can follow the same instructions for Ubuntu 22.04 and any other Debian-based distribution like Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Pop!_OS, and more as well.

      • ID RootHow To Install LXDE Desktop on Fedora 36 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install LXDE Desktop on Fedora 36. For those of you who didn’t know, LXDE, or Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, is a free desktop environment known for being lightweight, fast, and energy-efficient. The LXDE Desktop is designed specifically for use with older hardware and/or mobile devices with lower than average processing power. It is based on the GTK libraries, which power the GNOME Desktop.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the LXDE Desktop Environment on a Fedora 36.

      • UbuntuInstall Gazebo for ROS 2 in under a minute | Ubuntu

        Recently, we announced the beta release of the Gazebo snap to help you install Gazebo for ROS 2. The gazebo snap is easy to install on dozens of Linux distributions and comes bundled with all the dependencies and the ROS 2 integration. It is currently supporting Gazebo Citadel and thus ROS 2 Foxy.

        For the sake of clarity, when talking about Gazebo we are referring to the “new” Gazebo (formerly Ignition Gazebo).

        Let’s see how to install Gazebo for ROS 2 using the Gazebo snap!

      • Make Use OfThe 12 Best Vim Plugins to Improve Your Workflow

        Vim is a widely used terminal editor in the Linux world and like many other Linux applications, it runs on Unix, Windows, and macOS too.

        One of the things people love most about Vim is that it is highly customizable and extensible via plugins. Finding the right plugins for your workflow will greatly improve your productivity on Linux.

        Here's a selection of the 12 best Vim plugins that will enhance your workflow on Linux.

      • Red Hat OfficialHow to manage Apache web servers using Jinja2 templates and filters | Enable Sysadmin

        Jinja2 templates are files that use variables to include static values and dynamic values. One powerful thing about a template is that you can have a basic data file but use variables to generate values dynamically based on the destination host. Ansible processes templates using Jinja2, a templating language for Python.

      • How to Install and Set up a Django Web Framework on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS – LinuxWizardry

        Django is a free and open-source Python web framework. With Django, you can build dynamic web applications written in Python easier and faster. It offers a wide range of features for creating better Python-based web applications.

        It is a popular full-stack framework known for its security, development speed, and scalability. Some popular websites built with Django are YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, DropBox, Pinterest, Mozilla Firefox, BitBucket, etc.

        This tutorial will explain how to install the Django web framework on Ubuntu 22.04 system. We will also discuss how you can create and run a simple Django application.

    • Games

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • DedoimedoKubuntu upgrade - from 21.10 to 22.04 - Smooth as silk

          This is a pretty short article, but then, it's only got positives. My Kubuntu 21.10 upgrade (to 22.04) was the smoothest Linux version bump I've ever done so far. Quite a few of those had gone neatly, but this was the neatest of them all. The process was quick, error-free, all of my programs were correctly carried over and/or reconfigured, including third-party stuff, and there are no side effects whatsoever. The system works phenomenally well (excluding inherent problems in the system's design itself, but that's another story).

          I have to say I'm thoroughly pleased, and the last time this happened with Linux was ... quite a while back. If anything, this makes me feel happier and more confident that similar endeavors in the future ought to be equally simple. One can only hope of course, because regressions are never far from Linux everyday affairs. But today, we won, big time. Anyway, let's bring this brief yet sweet report to its end. The upgrade gets a top score. 100%. And we're done.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • Kali LinuxKali Linux in Linode's Cloud | Kali Linux Blog

      A few months ago, Linode reached out to us asking “What would be needed in order to get Kali added to Linode?”. We explained to them how all the build-scripts that we used to create Kali are public, and what their different options and configurations mean. They went away and came back shortly with an image for us to try out! After a bit of testing, we can now say “Kali is in Linode… (Twice)”!

    • Debian Family

      • DebConf22 Cheese and Wine Party

        In less than two days we will be in Prizren to start DebCamp and DebConf22 \o/

        This C&W is the 18th official DebConf Cheese and Wine party. The first C&W was improvised in Helsinki during DebConf 5, in the so-called "French" room. Cheese and Wine parties are now a tradition for DebConf.

    • Devices/Embedded

      • The Next PlatformNow Comes The Hard Part, AMD: Software

        From the moment the first rumors surfaced that AMD was thinking about acquiring FPGA maker Xilinx, we thought this deal was as much about software as it was about hardware.

        We like that strange quantum state between hardware and software where the programmable gates in FPGAs, but that was not as important. Access to a whole set of new embedded customers was pretty important, too. But the Xilinx deal was really about the software, and the skills that Xilinx has built up over the decades crafting very precise dataflows and algorithms to solve problems where latency and locality matter.

        After the Financial Analyst Day presentations last month, we have been mulling the one by Victor Peng, formerly chief executive officer at Xilinx and now president of the Adaptive and Embedded Computing Group at AMD.

      • HackadayESP32 Powers Fresh Take On An IoT Geiger Counter

        Over the years we’ve covered many projects aimed at detecting elevated radiation levels, and a fair number of them have been Internet connected in some way. But as they are often built around the Soviet-era SBM-20 Geiger–Müller tube, these devices have generally adhered to a fairly conservative design. With the current situation in Europe heightening concerns over potential radiation exposure, [g3gg0] thought it was a good a time as any to revisit the idea of an Internet-connected Geiger counter using more modern components.

    • Open Hardware/Modding

      • DietPi Released a New Version 8.6

        The July 2nd, 2022 release of DietPi v8.6 comes with a new image for Quartz64, new software options Prometheus Node Exporter, Tailscale, Rclone and ZeroTier. It has updated Amiberry packages, new PiVPN and HAProxy features, and more.

    • Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications

  • Leftovers

    • HackadayLoRa Helps With Remote Water Tank Level Sensing

      [Renzo Mischianti]’s friend has to keep a water tank topped up. Problem is, the tank itself is 1.5 km away, so its water level isn’t typically known. There’s no electricity available there either — whichever monitoring solution is to be used, it has to be low-power and self-sufficient. To help with that, [Renzo] is working on a self-contained automation project, with a solar-powered sensor that communicates over LoRa, and a controller that receives the water level readings and powers the water pump when needed.

    • Hardware

      • HackadayBadges Of 2022: BornHack

        While the rest of the world’s hacker camps shut their doors through the pandemic there was one which managed through a combination of careful planning and strict observation of social distancing to keep going. The Danish hacker community gather every August for BornHack, a small and laid-back event in a forest on the isle of Fyn that has us coming back for more every year. They always have an interesting badge thanks to the designs of [Thomas Flummer], and this year looks to be no exception as they’ve dropped some details of the upcoming badge.

      • HackadayRetrotechtacular: 1990s CD Mastering Fit For A King

        Before it was transformed into an ephemeral stream of ones and zeroes, music used to have a physical form of some kind. From wax cylinders to vinyl discs to tapes of various sizes in different housings and eventually to compact discs, each new medium was marketed as a technological leap over the previous formats, each of which justified incrementally more money to acquire.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • Counter PunchThe Wrinkle: Abortion Rights, Vaccine Passports, and Bodily Autonomy

        That wrinkle is the dominant leftist attitude toward the mandatory covid vaccination policies, an attitude that is based, I think, on a strange and increasingly common epistemological stance—an inability, or stubborn refusal, to think things through honestly and consistently, considering all the arguments without pre-ordained conclusion.

    • Entrapment (Microsoft GitHub)

      • Bryan LundukeMicrosoft's growing control of Linux

        It has recently come out that the creator of systemd (Lennart Poettering — who also created Pulse Audio), has begun working for Microsoft.

        And this is hardly the first Linux developer to join Microsoft (either as part of an acquisition, like GitHub, or otherwise). Nor is this likely to be the last Linux developer to join up… as Microsoft currently has 645 open Linux related positions.

        Want to control a piece of technology? Find the people working on said technology… and put them on your payroll. Does this give you nearly total control over that technology?

        Yes. Yes, it does.

        Microsoft controls: The largest open source code hosting on Earth, a large portion of Linux conferences, The Linux Foundation, the Open Source Initiative, and prominent Linux developers.

      • LinuxiacLennart Poettering, the Systemd Creator, Goes to Work at Microsoft

        Lennart Poettering, the creator of crucial Linux components such as systemd and PulseAudio, has left Red Hat to pursue careers at Microsoft.

    • Security

      • LWNSecurity updates for Friday []

        Security updates have been issued by Fedora (direnv, golang-github-mattn-colorable, matrix-synapse, pypy3.7, pypy3.8, and pypy3.9), Oracle (squid), SUSE (curl, openssl-1_1, pcre, python-ipython, resource-agents, and rsyslog), and Ubuntu (nss, php7.2, and vim).

      • Bruce SchneierApple’s Lockdown Mode [Ed: Apple itself attacks people on behalf of nation states; funny how NSA Schneier suddenly pretends not to know about Snowden's leaks]

        Apple has introduced lockdown mode for high-risk users who are concerned about nation-state attacks. It trades reduced functionality for increased security in a very interesting way.

      • ZDNetThis 'evasive' new Linux malware creates a backdoor to steal passwords and more [Ed: Microsoft ZDNet trying very hard to associate Linux with "backdoor" (something that Windows actually has; it's intentional) because you can install some malware on Linux; this is propaganda and FUD from a Microsoft-funded lying rag]

        A newly uncovered form of Linux malware creates a backdoor into infected machines and servers, allowing cyber criminals to secretly steal sensitive information while also maintaining persistence on the network.

    • Defence/Aggression

      • Counter PunchThe Nuclear Superpowers and True Self-Interest

        First, there is the dark paradox of having the weapons at the ready on hair-trigger precisely so that they will never be used. It is already a kind of miracle that we have been able to make it through decades of nuclear confrontation without making a fatal mistake (though the catalog of known near-misses is profoundly sobering); how much longer can our good fortune last? As the delivery vehicles move from supersonic to hypersonic, windows of decision become ever smaller and opportunities for misinterpretation ever larger.

      • Counter PunchThe Beasts of Nuclear Proliferation

        This insane hypocrisy underlines such arrangements as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.€  Central to the document is the discouragement of non-nuclear weapons states from weaponizing nuclear technology as long as members of the nuclear club pursue “good-faith” disarmament negotiations. While it is true to say that the NPT probably prevented a speedier, less infectious spread of the nuclear virus, it remains a constipated regime of imperfections that has merely delayed proliferation.

      • Counter PunchThe Illusion of Military Dominance

        Like all military strategies they sound convincing enough on paper, even alluring. What red-blooded American, or Russian, would walk away from dominance? But in the concrete, these theories fail to deliver, and we could quite likely end up with escalation disaster. Escalation Dominance has already failed given that Russia invaded Ukraine and took a substantial step up the escalation ladder, with perhaps more to come.

    • Environment

      • Counter PunchHeat and Drought Bake the World. Thank Climate Change

        And yet European calefaction broke records, as every new heat wave seems to do at this early stage of the climate collapse. Catalonia, Spain, hit 109 degrees, one of its hottest temps ever, while 104-degree temperatures in France were, according to the Washington Post June 2, “the earliest the country has hit that high a temperature in recorded history.”

      • Counter PunchThe Prequel

        The upshot: The ruling said the EPA overreached its authority given to it under€ the 1970 Clean Air Act by trying to control pollutants vomited€ skyward by€ electric power plants. Overreach is a favorite conservative pejorative for€ doing the right thing.

      • Energy

        • The NationBlack Lung Is Still Killing America’s Coal Miners

          American coal miners are used to getting bad news, whether it’s of a buddy’s injury, an accident at their mine, a dip in coal prices, or word of yet another politician ignoring their needs. The profession—which still plays a complicated role in the nation’s economy, history, politics, and cultural imagination—remains incredibly dangerous, even as safety technologies have advanced and the number of jobs in the industry dwindles. The coal miners I’ve met through my coverage of the ongoing Warrior Met strike in Brookwood, Ala., and at labor events around the country are accustomed to disappointment, so when they do get a win, it’s a cause for celebration.

        • DeSmogVast Majority of Financial Institutions Have No Policies Restricting Oil and Gas Expansion

          This means that more than 96% of the 369 financial institutions tracked have no such restrictions at all.

      • Wildlife/Nature

        • Counter PunchA Bird Flu Depopulation Method So Cruel, Veterinarians Yell Foul

          As the AVMA prepares for its annual meeting in Philadelphia, an “Our Honor,” campaign has launched to highlight the use of wide scale killing of birds through suffocation and heatstroke and how it contradicts the veterinarian oath to prevent and relieve of animal suffering.

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • Counter PunchThe Dems Doing Their Duty of Keeping the People Off the Streets

        “The Scale of the Crimes” and “The Meagerness of the Reaction”

      • Counter PunchRoaming Charges: Knocked Out and Re-Loaded

        + The rightwing can’t decide where to pin the blame for the Highland Park slaughter: the NRA decried “gun-free” cities, Laura Ingraham pointed her puritanical finger at recreational pot, Tucker Carlson excoriated men-hating single-mothers and Marjorie Taylor Greene asserted that it was a plot hatched by a cabal of LGBTQ Democrats to bludgeon Republicans into supporting gun control, a scheme, which–with all due respect for Marge–seems far beyond their current level of competency.

      • Counter PunchThe Story of Line 3

        But, the story of Line 3 is not that of “safety standards” and “operating capabilities.” Instead, it is the story of Honor the Earth and the Anishinaabe’s resistance against Line 3. It is the story of ‘manoomin,’ and Turtle Island again being attacked by the “Black Snake.” And it is the story of the MPUC’s failure to honor treaty rights and protect the Earth. Line 3 was not a failure of the State of Minnesota but rather the logical consequence of a settler-colonial political system determined to destroy the Earth and any potential for Native sovereignty. Enbridge knew it would face a fight, as with the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL. But, this time, it came prepared. It assembled the Northern Lights Taskforce, “brought jobs to Minnesota,” and pursued every legal and illegal option available to nullify resistance to Line 3. Enbridge wielded its power to its advantage, and it won. But, that doesn’t mean that the resistance failed.

      • Counter PunchHow Alito Cherrypicked History in Dobbs

        But for Alito, the 19th century looks like the true golden age: “In 1803, the British Parliament made abortion a crime at all stages of pregnancy and authorized the imposition of severe punishment.”

      • Counter PunchThe Breakdown of Legitimacy: A Good and Necessary Thing

        In such exciting times do we live! Having spent much time trying to de-mystify capitalist institutions, I know how hard it can be be to cut through the ideological blinders. These are imposed, after all, by the regular educational process even before kids start descending into their self-selected social media tunnels.

      • Counter PunchBlack Sufferance / Insufferable Whites: An Interview with Reverend Dr. James Henry Harris
      • ScheerpostHow Far to the Left Will Boric Want to go?

        President Gabriel Boric is confident that his Tax Reform will find the broadest support in the National Congress.

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • Counter PunchAgainst; Not Trusting Men Again

        I sat in a room full of American lawyers when they handed the judgment down. Phone lit up with messages, notifications, tweets, and re-tweets. Is this what a day that changes the world looks like now? I had read the articles about the dangers of ‘juristocracy’[5] but it is no less shocking. If not for the presence of literal, fleshy Americans around me, I wonder how this news would hit. There is less distance between here and Kharkiv than Washington, but this feels closer to what happened at the Capitol last year. I wonder if this Transatlantic fixation is part emigrant mentality, to be drawn to worlds I know we’ve passed through before.

      • The NationHow the Supreme Court Became the Extreme Court

        In 1992, fundamentalist Christians who wished to see theocratic law imposed on the rest of the country were stabbed in the back by a conservative Supreme Court. In Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, the court ruled, 5-4, to affirm the right to abortion before fetal viability as recognized in Roe v. Wade. The court placed significant new restrictions on reproductive rights, but it didn’t overturn Roe. All five justices who voted to affirm Roe were appointed by Republican presidents. Indeed, the 1992 court comprised eight justices appointed by Republicans. Only Byron White—who was nominated by John F. Kennedy—was appointed by a Democrat, and he joined the dissent against Casey and Roe.1

      • ScheerpostThe Feds Are Using Terrorism Charges Against Water Protectors

        A federal court sentenced Jessica Reznicek to eight years in prison for taking nonviolent direct action to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Her story is a sign of Big Oil’s desperation, according t…

      • Public KnowledgeRemembering Sherwin Siy a Year Later - Public Knowledge

        We continue to remember our friend and colleague Sherwin Siy. Please join us for an anniversary memorial to share our stories and memories of Sherwin with his family, close friends, and colleagues.

    • Monopolies

      • Patents

        • EPO provides insights into plant patenting practices [Ed: EPO committed serious crimes this past week, so it has been busy bombarding the Web site with such cruft, to deflect and distract the public from all the illegal things it is doing. EPO is desperate to change the subject, in order for the corruption to carry on and be seen as "old news".]
  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • SpellBinding: AILRSYV Wordo: SNOWS
      • identity - a brief reflection

        I'm not sure, but I'm putting forward a tentative thesis that the "problem" with establishing my identity was mainly due to being very open to ideas and constantly looking for other ways.

      • being passive

        I'm quite a passive person, especially with things that I don't have much of an opinion with. Sometimes people gets frustrated of me not giving them answers on simple things such as what to have in lunch, if I should get this or that, etc etc. In a way it is kind of irresponsible, but in a way people just care too much about it for me.

    • Politics

      • don't weep for fascists

        It's hard to see this as anything more than laundering the reputation of a far right, nationalist, atrocity denier. In lieu of a more coherent piece, I'll point towards some good sources on why Abe is not someone to be mourned.

    • Technical

      • Science

        • HackadayTrying Out A 3D Printed Microscope Lens Adapter

          If you want to take pictures of tiny things close up, you need a macro lens. Or a microscope. [Nicholas Sherlock] thought “Why not both?” He designed a 3D-printed microscope lens adapter that you can find on Thingiverse. Recently, [Micael Widell] tried it out with a microscope lens and you can see the results in the video below.

        • Humans in space, part 1: NASA and Old Space

          This is the first part of what i intend to be a three-post series about the costs of space exploration, and some of the related politics. In the second part, i'll write about ‘New Space’, and Musk / SpaceX and Bezos / Blue Origin in particular. In the third part, i'll write about why i think human space exploration is actually A Good Thing - why non-human missions are insufficient, and why i feel we should prioritising human landing and exploration of Mars over settlement of lunar space, as represented by NASA's Artemis program[a]. (Spoiler: space travel is not primarily about raw distance, but about the energy needed to deal with gravity wells.)

      • Internet/Gemini

        • Dynamic Gemtext with dgmi

          dgmi is a simple tool I threw together that provides PHP-like functionality for gemini. It's basically gemtext but with inline CGI, so you get the convenience of gemtext with the power of CGI.

      • Programming

        • Common Lisp Anaphoric IF

          Anaphoric conditional constructs (usually implemented as macros in languages that have real macros, i.e. Lisps), allow us to test some condition, and refer to it as 'it' within the rest of the expression.

        • unicode
        • A lockless buffering technique for Microcontrollers

          I had a little sniff around Rust the other day. What interested me is RTIC, a real-time interrupt-driven concurrency framework for Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers. I'm not a Rust programmer, but it sounded pretty cool.

          I had previously written a buffering DAC in C. The idea is that a Raspberry Pi is a master that produces audio and sends data via SPI to an STM32 MCU (microcontroller). The MCU buffers the data, transmitting it at a fixed rate. It sends a block/unblock signal to the Pi when it is ready to receive data.

        • Github Proxy and Jewish Texts Updates

          You can now view issues and comments on issues from the AuraGem Github Proxy. The next thing that I will be working on is the ability to see and download Github Releases from a repo.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

Recent Techrights' Posts

[Meme] Unconstitutional Proceedings in Foreign Languages for the Benefit of Corporations Outside Europe
Why does the UPC even exist?
EPO: Language of Conflict
A letter about this has already seen sent
Links 13/05/2024: Wikimedia Rides Hype Wave, XBox Expected to Go Through More Layoffs This Summer (July)
Links for the day
When Lunatics Attack Your Family (Especially Women)
The attacks on my wife and my mom are rather revealing. These are acts of extreme misogyny.
Linux is Released Too Often, Tested Insufficiently (Same as Chromium, Firefox, and Systemd)
Driven by schedule, not quality (objective criterion)
FSF-EEE (FSFE) and Microsoft, or How Microsoft Keeps Paying the Fake 'FSF Europe'
The FSF-EEE is not even authorised to use the name FSFE
Android Rises to 59% Market Share in Hungary, Windows Falls to All-Time Low
GNU/Linux in Hungary Reaches 3.5%
Approaching Our 3,000th Post (After Moving to a Static Site Generator Back in September)
the main purpose is to enable people to catch up
[Video] The Microsoft Crisis Isn't Over (More Mass Layoffs Planned)
We saw many attempts at suppressing information lately
Don’t Use Disney Minus. (Disney “Plus”)
Reprinted with permission from Ryan Farmer
Gemini Links 13/05/2024: Kingdom of the Dead and Narrative Adventure Game Gem
Links for the day
Visually Enhanced Interviews With ESR and RMS on Free Software (With French)
Nom de code - Linux
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, May 12, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, May 12, 2024
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
GNU/Linux Rises to Record High in Macao
iOS and Android are very big there
Debian: Let's Pretend We Never Knew Daniel Pocock
Ad hominem is what happens when the message is hard to dispute
DPL Sam Hartman proves blackmail is alive and well in Debian
Reprinted with permission from
What is a safe space?
Reprinted with permission from the Free Software Fellowship
Does Debian deserve an independent news service?
Reprinted with permission from So Neglected If Not Abandoned That It Promotes Deals That Expired 4 Weeks Ago
Quite some "stewardship" by the Linux Foundation
The Fall of Meritocracy in Tech
nuff said
Microsoft Has Lost Malta
Android has caught up
In Asia, Baidu Has Become Bigger Than Bing and Yandex is Getting There Too
XBox and Bing are going through existential crises
"Having IBM Next to Your Name is a Scarlet Letter"
IBM staff just motivated not to work
Techrights Browsing Made Easier
a draft for discussion
Links 12/05/2024: XBox Founders Say Microsoft Lost Its Identity
Links for the day
Gemini Links 12/05/2024: Enshitification and Mind Maps
Links for the day
Aside From Red Hat Spam and Partisan Media There's a Lingering Rumour of Layoffs
Some rumour said IBM had second thoughts about a WARN notice and delayed that a bit
The Albanian open source community is very healthy indeed
Windows nosedives from 99.1% to a lot less
When I discovered people trafficking in open source software
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Web Sites Hijacked by WIPO on Behalf of Microsoft-Sponsored SPI (and People Looking to Hide Embarrassing Facts);;;;;;;;;;;;;
Julian Assange on Privacy of People, Even Little Children
Facebook/Google (or GAFAM, an acronym I coined with Assange) knows you better than your mom knows you
[Meme] Miscomprehension of GDPR
Social control in general is a ticking timebomb
In Haiti, the Market Share of Windows Collapsed (From 97% to 27% on Desktops/Laptops)
A couple of months ago Windows was measured at 3.04%
In Most Countries It's Still Possible Not to Have a 'Smartphone' and to Pay for Nearly Everything With Cash
Withdrawing money will be possible as long as enough people use many ATMs (cash machines)
Expect Lots of Material From Daniel Pocock as Election Day Nears
The experiences of Daniel Pocock were an excellent example of reprisal or retribution against either whistleblowers or people who give a voice to whistleblowers
I've Been Promoting Free Software for Over 25 Years
I wrote my first computer program when I was about 14, maybe a little younger (I have visual memory of it)
Reminder: Richard Stallman's Talk is This Week in Paris (and in French)
Defending rms isn't the same as defending everything he has ever said
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, May 11, 2024
IRC logs for Saturday, May 11, 2024
Online Bullying (Trying to Make People Unhappy)
Narcissists and bullies behind mice and keyboards, no honesty or fact-checking required
Talk About Software Freedom
"Linux" and "BSD" may mean a lot to more and more people, but they're still just brands or acronyms
Windows in South Korea: From 98.5% in 2010 to About 30% (Android Rises to Almost 50%)
Samsung ships like a million Linux devices per day
Improving Site Navigation for Easier Discovery and Catch-ups
This site is run by code we wrote ourselves
LibrePlanet 2024 Recordings
Let's hope independent recordings by viewers can help recovery of "lost talks" (recordings)
GNU/Linux Reaches 11% Market Share in the United States Of America - an All-Time High
The United States Of America is where the operating system started (Boston) and where Linus Torvalds works (Portland)
[Meme] Being Believed, Not Censored or Defamed
Daniel Pocock, Zini, and John Sullivan (FSF)
Links 11/05/2024: XBox Crisis, Spotify Exodus Continues
Links for the day
Gemini Links 11/05/2024: Why to Delete GitHub
Links for the day
In Europe, Bing Fell Every Month This Year, Lost a Considerable Share Since "Bing Chat" and All the Chatbot Hype
Microsoft's Bing has had many layoffs lately
Links 11/05/2024: Analysis of the Microsoft Crisis and Backdoor-Looking Bugs
Links for the day
Attacking the Messenger?
Stack Overflow and LLM licencing
Microsoft Fired Loads of Staff in Kenya, Which is Another Large Country Where GNU/Linux Has Grown a Lot
Microsoft pays Kenyans only 2 dollars an hour for an IT/office job
Knowing the True History of Debian, Owing to Irish Debian Developer Daniel Pocock (Currently Running to Become Member of the European Parliament)
Irish-Australian and scapegoat of a highly dysfunctional 'Debian family'
Attacking by Credentials
Modest people do not demand fancy titles
Microsoft Windows Used to Have 99% of the OS Market in Jordan, Now It's Just 13% (Less Than iOS)
Based on the data of statCounter, GNU/Linux in Jordan climbed from 0.62% in May 2014 to nearly 5% right now
More Nations Are Reaching and Exceeding 5% Market Share for GNU/Linux, Microsoft Wants to be Bailed Out Again
Microsoft is once again reaching out to Biden for a bailout - a subject we'll cover in a video some time this weekend
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, May 10, 2024
IRC logs for Friday, May 10, 2024
[Meme] What Do You Call a Woman Who Does BDS on Free Software? Elana Hamasman.
Here are some confused thoughts
[Meme] Mission Aborted
Mission Aborted: cancel RMS
Taking Things Up a Notch
we strive/aim towards 15-25 new pages per day, i.e. around 500 per month or 6,000 per year